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You can customise iMalc to complement your flavour of iMac, iBook, PowerBook, G3, G4 or platinum Mac. The key and display colours change to your favourite flavour.

This is a screen shot of iMalc in Bondi guise:

iMalc in Bondi
This is a screen shot of iMalc in Blueberry guise:

iMalc in Blueberry
This is a screen shot of iMalc in Grape guise:

iMalc in Grape
This is a screen shot of iMalc in Lime guise:

iMalc in Lime
This is a screen shot of iMalc in Strawberry guise:

iMalc in Strawberry
This is a screen shot of iMalc in Tangerine guise:

iMalc in Tangerine
This is a screen shot of iMalc in Graphite guise:

iMalc in Graphite
This is a screen shot of iMalc in G3 guise:

iMalc in G3
This is a screen shot of iMalc in G4 guise:

iMalc in G4
This is a screen shot of iMalc in PowerBook guise:

iMalc in PowerBook
This is a screen shot of iMalc in PowerBook Bronze guise:

iMalc in Bronze
This is a screen shot of iMalc in iBook Blueberry guise:

iMalc in iBook Blueberry
This is a screen shot of iMalc in iBook Tangerine guise:

iMalc in iBook Tangerine
This is a screen shot of iMalc in iBook Graphite guise:

iMalc in iBook Graphite
This is a screen shot of iMalc in Platinum guise:

iMalc in Platinum

Check out the version history, or return to the iMalc page.

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Calculate Different - use iMalc

© Eyecatcher Productions. Page last updated on Friday, October 13, 2000.

Mac, the Mac logo, Macintosh, MacOS, Apple, iMac, iBook, G3, G4 and PowerBook are trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.
REALbasic is a trademark of Real Software Inc.